The SAT Courses - The SAT Crash Course

Digital SAT Crash Courses

Prepare for the new digital SAT with our crash courses. Our 5-week program will help you achieve your dream score in the shortest time!

Online SAT course instructor.
Online SAT course<br />

New Digital SAT Prep Courses

The updated version of our SAT Crash Courses will be geared towards getting you prepared specifically for the new digital SAT. Stay tuned for the launch of our new courses!


Our Courses

Bite-Sized Lessons

Each course divides the full content into high-quality, digestible videos followed by relevant practice questions to keep you engaged.

Weekly Problem Sets

Our problem sets are taken from real SAT test problems, ensuring you become familiar with the questions and master the solutions.

24/7 Support

It’s natural to encounter questions as you study. That’s why we provide Q&A help, offering you all the academic support you need.

Intense Care

Don’t do it all on your own. Our system checks in on your progress and regularly sends text reminders to keep you motivated and on track.

Cover the Entire Contents

In our Crash Courses, we summarized all the topics covered in the SAT into a 5 week course. Each course consists of bite-sized videos followed by relevant practice questions. Students can simply follow our intelligently designed study plan to prepare for the upcoming exam.

Short Lectures

Practice Questions

Student studying all the topics covered in the SAT.

Cover the Entire Contents

In our Crash Courses, we summarized all the topics covered in the SAT into a 5 week course. Each course consists of bite-sized videos followed by relevant practice questions. Students can simply follow our intelligently designed study plan to prepare for the upcoming exam.

Short Lectures

Practice Questions

Student learning from good SAT study materials.

Quality Study Materials

We provide top-quality practice questions and study materials to our students. Students will be asked to solve sample questions after each lesson that will help them apply their learnings to real test-taking. Also, students can review our extra materials separately from the lectures to supplement their studies.

Lecture Notes

Weekly Tests

Care Program

We understand that sometimes students might not be as motivated to put in the work. Hence, we team up every student with one of our program coordinators. They will work closely with the students to ensure the students are on track. We mean it when we say we care about our students! You can learn more about our care program here.

Personal Care

Anytime Q&A

SAT instructors taking care of students' academic progress.

Care Program

We understand that sometimes students might not be as motivated to put in the work. Hence, we team up every student with one of our program coordinators. They will work closely with the students to ensure the students are on track. We mean it when we say we care about our students! You can learn more about our care program here.

Personal Care

Anytime Q&A

5 Weeks

How It Works

The SAT Crash Course Diagnostic Test Report Card

Free Level Test

Know your base ground by taking our free practice test. You can use it to compare your scores after 5 weeks.

The SAT Crash Course Lecture Recommendation

Lecture Recommendations

Take advantage of our AI technology that suggests specific lectures for you based on your testing strengths and weaknesses.

The SAT Crash Course Individualized Personal Care

Data-Driven Care

Experience a supportive and personalized study environment with our automated reminders and texts specific to data on your progress.

The SAT Crash Course Anytime Q&A Discord Community

24/7 Q&A Help

Rely on our fast responses and constantly available Q&A service, where you can get all your questions answered.

The SAT Crash Course After-program Care

Get Your Score

After 5 weeks, you'll have completed the SAT Crash Course. Go ahead and take the real exam. You will be surprised how much your score has improved!