1-Month SAT Study Plan - The SAT Crash Course

In an ideal world, a student would set aside months of time to prepare for a standardized test before they start their college application process. However, some students find it difficult to spend as much time for the SAT because of other college prep agendas such as high school GPA. If you are one of those busy students and you have only a month or so left until your SAT exam, try following our 1-month SAT study plan we have introduced in this article.

The plan is designed to help students improve fast with maximum drill and practice question review accompanied with concept reinforcement. It may feel challenging at times, but it will be highly rewarding as you make progress through the process. If you are ready to hone in on your test prep goals for the next 4 weeks, dive into this study plan below.

One Month Digital SAT Study Plan

For this plan, be ready to take at least two practice tests per week. Include concept studies in between the practice tests as much as your stamina allows.


Week 1


  • Take the first digital SAT practice test

To start off, take a full-length digital SAT practice test to know your baseline score. Look at your score report thoroughly to understand your strong and weak areas.

  • Review

Review the questions starting with your wrong answers, then move on to your right answers. Watch the video explanations tied to each question and take note of the strategies you can use for next time.

  • Create a study schedule

Get a complete list of the SAT topics and set an order of study based on your strengths and weaknesses. A good way to approach this is to start with your weakest yet important areas then move to your stronger and/or less important topics.


Week 2


  • Take two digital SAT practice tests

Take another practice test and compare your result to week 1. Check your weak areas in the report card and add them to your study list as needed. Review the answers thoroughly with the help of study resources such as courses, books or your own study notes. Towards the middle of the week, take another practice test and repeat the process.

  • Study the core concepts using quality materials

Follow the study schedule you created in week 1 and go over the fundamental concepts. Use quality study resources such as Khan Academy’s digital SAT prep materials. Once you are familiar with a topic, solve related questions to expand your knowledge to application level. If you sign up for our SAT prep courses, you will be provided related problem sets after every short concept lesson. The courses will help you master one concept at a time according to your personalized study schedule.

  • Master the test format

Take time to understand the new format of the digital SAT in great detail. Know how much time you have on each section and module and plan how to time yourself. Also, familiarize yourself with the new passage and question types adopted in the digital SAT. This will give you a direction to follow as you continue to study the concepts and learn test-taking skills. Also, understand the digital functionalities provided in the testing app such as calculator, annotation tool, and “flag” tool and practice using them to your benefit.


Digital SAT math practice test with calculator.


Week 3


  • Take more practice tests

Now that we are more than halfway through our study plan, try to simulate test day with more practice tests. Disperse your practice test taking throughout the week, preferably 1-2 days in between the tests to give yourself time to review.

Remember to treat all of the tests as the real exam. Ensure the testing conditions are controlled and try to have a mindset of your test day. Start being more accurate in timing and practice using the features such as the timer, question flagging, and annotation tools to help you pace yourself.

  • Revisit still-difficult topics and questions

Go back to the concepts that still feel challenging and spend more time on them. Review the topic using your study notes, go over your past wrong answers, and solve more related questions. Touch up on each topic, with emphasis on the question types along with the strategies for each of them. Try to cover any area that has been left out in your studies.

  • Get help from a tutor when needed

Since this is a short-term intensive study schedule, it’s important to seek efficiency within a short amount of time. Getting help from an expert may be the fastest way for you to overcome your hurdles when you feel stuck. Reach out to someone near you who is qualified or consider joining a live class during which you can ask questions to a teacher.


Week 4


  • Take a digital SAT practice test

It’s the last week before the exam! Take a final with a practice test and tidy up your test-taking skills such as pacing. Review your test and go over any areas that need last-minute attention. Refer to your previous tests and notes as needed.

  • Final review on your strategies

For the remaining time of the week, review the areas that you spent some time on throughout your study journey. Polish up on your strategies for the related questions so they are efficient and readily usable.

  • Relax before the exam

Once you are done with the above tasks, give your brain some time to relax. Eat healthy and sleep well during the final days leading up to the test day. Have a positive mindset, you will do great!


What’s Next?

Ready to jump into this one month digital SAT prep plan and get your target score? Take the first full-length digital SAT practice test right now and start customizing your plan!