An Overview of SAT Changes 2024: How to Prepare - The SAT Crash Course

The College Board has been administering the SAT for almost a century, offering a tool for students to show their college readiness. If you are one of the students planning to take the SAT, you are probably aware that it’s smart to prepare ahead of time so you’re ready when the big day comes. This is especially important now, as there have been some big changes in the SAT in 2024! Most importantly, the test has changed from a paper-based format to an entirely digital one.

This new design is meant to make the test more approachable and accessible, so it’s nothing to fear! In this post, we’re breaking down all of the new features you need to know, and sharing how you can prepare for the test effectively.


What’s Changing in the SAT in 2024?

The SAT is changing with the times. While former students took the exam using paper and pencils, new students will use computers and tablets to navigate the questions. In addition to this newly digital format, the test will also be shorter and more adaptive.

Some of the SAT changes in 2024 include:

  • Shorter exam length
  • More concise reading passages
  • More direct questions
  • Access to a wide range of digital tools

In addition, the official SAT score reports will also be more comprehensive. In addition to their scores, students will receive targeted and personalized college and career guidance to help them plan ahead for the future.

This includes information on local two-year colleges and workforce training programs, as well as details on four-year universities. Students will be able to see how their scores align with certain career options, and how they can use their strengths to excel in different industries.


When Does the SAT Go Digital?

The SAT began moving to a digital format in 2023, and the full rollout was scheduled continue through 2024. Yet, when exactly will the change occur?

The answer is, it’s already in place! For students in the U.S., the switch initiated on March 9, 2024. From that date onward, every SAT exam has been completely digital. This is to say students will not be allowed to use pencils and paper to take the exam.

International students have been administered the digital version of the test since March 11, 2023, earlier than the students in the U.S.. The transition in the States started with the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which went digital in the fall of 2023.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • March 11, 2023: The first digital SAT for international students was issued
  • Since March 2023: All international SAT exams has been digital
  • Fall 2023: The PSAT/NMSQT went digital
  • March 9, 2024: First digital SAT exam was administered in the U.S.
  • Since March 2024: All U.S. and international SAT exams have been digital

At this point when you are reading the article, the SAT is administered in its digital form in all parts of the world!


What’s Behind the Change?

If it’s not broken, why fix it? You might have this question about the SAT, but the reality is that it was time for the college entry exam to make this move.

The main benefits of a digital SAT test include:

  • It’s easier to take
  • It’s easier to administer
  • It aligns the SAT with the modern learning experience

When a test is easier to take and give, it becomes more accessible for everyone. In the new digital version, the SAT test-taking process will become simpler, shorter, and more streamlined, improving the student experience.

In addition, the SAT will also become more relevant. Today, most students use digital devices to complete at least some portion of their schoolwork. They’re adept at using these tools, and they’re major components of their learning and testing strategies. By making the SAT digital, College Board is meeting students where they are and giving them access to a test that better fits their needs and preferences.

Students learning about SAT changes 2024

Detailed Breakdown of the SAT Changes

The digital SAT contains many changes to the exam’s format and content. While we’ve covered a high-level overview, let’s take a closer look at all of the new features that students can expect.


Exam Administration

The digital SAT will be administered on a digital device, such as a laptop or a tablet. Students can choose to bring their own device or use a school-issued device. They will access the exam through an application called Bluebook.

Students will take the test at their school or a designated testing center. Each testing location will have a technology coordinator present during testing. They will be available to offer support to any student having device issues. If a student happens to lose connection to the internet or their device runs out of battery, the Bluebook app will automatically save their progress so they can return to where they left off once their connectivity is restored.


Exam Length

The paper-and-pencil SAT allowed three hours for completion. The digital test will run for two hours and 14 minutes, shaving nearly an hour off the total exam time.


Exam Format

The former SAT consisted of three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. The digital SAT will only include two sections: Reading and Writing, and Math.

Each section will include two modules. Test-takers will complete Module 1 and then move on to Module 2. They will not be able to skip back and forth between modules as they take the exam.


Exam Content

Traditionally, the paper SAT was not designed to adapt to a student’s unique skills and knowledge. Now, the digital version will offer an individualized experience for each learner, thanks to the addition of adaptive testing technology.

This means that each student’s test will be different. In both sections, their performance in Module 1 will determine the questions they receive in Module 2. In addition, SAT Reading passages will now be shorter and more concise, with just one question for each passage.


Exam Tools

When taking the SAT, students will now have access to a range of digital tools, including:

  • A digital countdown clock
  • A way to digitally flag and return to questions later
  • A digital reference guide for SAT Math
  • Digital annotating functions in SAT Reading and Writing
  • An integrated graphing calculator

All of the exam tools will be available in the Bluebook app. Students can use the built-in graphing calculator for the entire Math section.


Exam Scoring

With the shift to digital, there will be changes to the SAT scoring process. Previously, students had to wait a few weeks for their official SAT Score Report. Now, they should be able to access them within a few days of their exam date.


How to Practice for the Digital SAT

Now that you have an idea of how the SAT test will change, you may be wondering what will be some of the best ways to prepare for the test.

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the SAT is to take a practice test! Of course, it’s smart to take your study strategy online now that you know the SAT is digital. There are official practice tests by the College Board, which you can access by downloading their testing platform, Bluebook. You can also find tests provided by Khan Academy, which is a company in partnership with the College Board.

However, you may feel the need for more practice after you have finished taking all the tests provided from the sources above. This is where we come in!

At The SAT Crash Course, you’ll find more than 10 brand-new, all-digital SAT practice tests. Each test is designed to mimic the look and feel of the digital SAT, providing students with an accurate representation of what they can expect on test day.

Why is this the best way to prepare for the digital SAT?

You can get ahead of the game by taking our practice tests. You’ll have access to a full range of practice questions, all built in an environment that’s similar to the real exam. As you take each one, you’ll gain valuable test-taking skills and strategies that can give you a competitive edge.

All of our digital SAT practice tests include the following features and benefits:

  • Completely digital design
  • Adaptive format (two sections, two modules each)
  • Realistic testing environment
  • The same scoring system as the digital SAT
  • Access to built-in testing device functions (e.g. graphing calculator, annotating functions)

Our team has taken strides to make sure all of our practice tests are as close to the digital SAT as possible. This includes matching our questions to the new format. For example, we’ve shortened our reading passages and only include one question per passage, similar to what you’ll see in the real test.


Access Your Digital SAT Practice Test Today

If you’re going to take the SAT in 2024 or beyond, it’s smart to plan now for all of the new features that you’ll encounter. The test is going completely digital, and learners who can navigate this format will know exactly what to expect.

At The SAT Crash Course, we’re here to provide the most powerful test prep solutions for you. Try our Digital SAT Practice Tests and see how the real testing experience will be. Big changes might be coming, but you’ll be ready for them!